Monday, October 22, 2007

Fires are HOT!!

Just in case you haven't heard... Southern California is on fire. Redlands is not on fire but all around us is. It is not snowing snowflakes here, it is snowing burnt flakes. (I'm not sure what else to call them.) It isn't so bad that they have closed our schools like they did a few years ago when San Bernardino was on fire. I have a feeling we could get to that point. Our tempatures for the next 2 days is going to be between 90' to 100'. Add some Santa Ana winds and you have an amazing blaze that will cover a bunch of ground quickly. Luckily only 1 person has died, but many homes have been lost. I pray for all of the people who have been evacuated or have lost their homes.

Thank you girls for sending me those great photos. I think it will make my Pinecone Press homework spectacular. Even dad let me take a picture of him.

Kellie's marching band got 1st place in their competition last Saturday. She is loving the band thing and all the people. Carlie is having a great time in Chambers and can't wait to go to Chicago.

Love to all!

1 comment:

Holly F. said...

You're right, Mom. Fires ARE hot; you're always so wise. :)

I hope you liked my serious picture with those BRIGHT colored clothes!