Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mile War

My son in law and I were talking about tredmills and excercise. From that conversation came the "mile war". I walk in the morning during seminary for 2.5 miles. On a good day I will come home and run 2.5 miles on the tredmill. It is great for my body, but most helpful to my brain. So my little post today will be...I am grateful for a body that works.

Mile War 15+4+5=24


Julie said...

I think if you put a dot between the numbers on your amount, you would have my amount.

Julie said...

PS: I tagged you on my blog! Go and see!!!

Anonymous said...

lol, I was laughing reading this--was talking to a friend of mine earlier today & where she works (athletic center), they're having a mile war. She said she's been doing the elliptical and in one hour she can rack 9 miles! I was impressed...!