Wednesday, October 21, 2009

That kind of day.

Today should be a Pride and Prejudice day. All my girls should be home and we should hang out in our sweats, make cookie dough, close all the blinds, giggle about silly things and then watch Mr. Darcy...well do his thing. I'm not talking about the 90 minute version. I am talking about the only good version, the 6 hour one. We could remind Paul there are sports in this version too. You know the hunting and fishing part, those are sports and then watch him roll his eyes and get out of the room as quickly as possible. After the movie we could have some Orange Chicken and go to Kellie's concert and watch her blow her horn. Sounds like a perfect way to spend the day. Girls, are you ready???


Holly F. said...

That really does sound like the perfect day - I'll leave Jack with Caleb and be down there lickety-split!

Julie said...

I'm way more than ready! Oh how tempting that idea really is...

Megan Hatch said...

I'm inviting myself!!! Let's do this! =D

Zotz said...

Megan you are ALWAYS invited. It wouldn't be right if you weren't here with us!! See you soon.

Holly. lickety-split is a great word and wouldn't it make a great camp name. haha Come on down!!

Julie. Bring it girly, don't be tempted....just do it!!